Saturday, November 14, 2009

Viennese Christmas Markets

*Nick in Vienna

It turns out that Vienna is lousy with Christmas markets. I've seen tons of adds for various markets already and have gotten some stuff in the mail. There is a huge one outside the Schonbrun Palace that we're going to check out when my family visits and another huge one downtown that I'm sure we will visit as well. These markets are unlike any I've been to in the states (not that I've been to many) in the sense that besides crafts, ornaments, and a billion santas, they also sell all kinds of food and alcohol. This means my Mom is going to have a wonderful time when she visits, and if the rest of us aren't loving it we can have a great time with cheap beer, wine, and whatever that fruity alcoholic drink is with actual fruit in it - it is really good and I've never seen it stateside, but I can't remember the name.

The picture above I took today at a little market pretty close to my house. There was also a one-man band there who was very good. He was playing "I Heard it through the Grapevine," and right after this picture played a really good harmonica solo (I compensated him well for the picture, don't worry). Probably because Vienna is such a musical city the level of the street performers here is really high. When Jane was here a couple weeks ago we heard this grizzled old guy singing the blues and playing guitar. It was so good. I commented to Jane that this guy could open for Wilco right now and hipsters all across america would eat him up. If I was a talent agent I would start rounding up all the hairy old Austrian blues playing men and form an incredible band. I bet I could get them on Austin City Limits in no time.


  1. Hey Nick and Jane,
    I just came back to your blog after several weeks away. I've now added your blog to my Google reader so hopefully I'll be better able to check on your updates. I hope you are doing well. Your presence is greatly missed.

  2. p.s. I just started reading 100 years of solitude with my friend Jen!

  3. Hey Julie! Great to hear from you. I was thinking about you recently because I was defending Columbus as a great place to live and I had Weinland Park in mind specifically.

    I think the book is really good. I've never read anything like it before.

    And Nick, the drink you're thinking of is the Borsebowl (I think Borse is a Vienna neighborhood).
