Friday, January 8, 2010

Some Reflections on the Solitude Thus Far

*Nick in the Vienna Airport

I am heading to see Jane in Paris, and right now I am sitting in the Vienna airport next to a Starbucks (which I hate, mostly for social and economic reasons) that is pimping their “Kaffeegeschmack,” which is a sweet word that I’m pretty sure just means tasty coffee. This seemed like a good time to update some travel stats and reflect on how things are going.

First the reflections: these 9 months in Europe are going by very, very quickly, and I still feel like I haven’t totally dove into my research. This is mostly because we both had grant applications due in November and December which took up most of our time. Overall, though, I rather enjoy living in Europe. I really miss living with Jane, I miss friends, family, and sports in the States, but it seems like European culture sits well with me. I guess it makes sense that I research European history. I’m not sure I would want to live here for an extended period of time, but I could totally see spending a decade or so in Europe, although the likelihood of an employer feeling the same way is very, very small, so there is little reason in worrying about that. Still, the slower pace of live, emphasis on beautiful spaces and art, amazing public transit, and a consumer economy based on small neighborhood stores rather than megastores with mega parking lots is all quite appealing. (Yes, I realize this is subjective and based pretty much solely on Vienna and Paris, likely the two most beautiful cities on the continent). Also, I can take my dog on the subway, and that about seals it up. Even though the likelihood of actually living here is very small, if we stick with our current discipline we will probably be returning to Europe every year or two, so I guess it is nice that we like it.

Well, I’ll stop rambling and give the data as best as I can remember. These are based after we first arrived in Vienna.

Intercity flights:
Jane – 6
Nick – 2 (soon to be 4)

Intercity train rides:
Jane – 5
Nick – 6
Mason – 4 (he’s getting better at them)

Operas and ballets
Jane – 6
Nick – 6 (4 were together)
Mason – 3 (just kidding)

Sausages wrapped in bacon and filled with cheese
Nick – 1
Ben (my brother) – 2, I think, which means he did better in one week in Vienna than I have done in 3 months)
Mason – 0, about which he is visibly upset

1 comment:

  1. That was a funny post. Thanks for the laugh.
    I think Europe's economy sits well with me, too.
